Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Have Fun! -- The FGHs of Coping with Christmas

Today we are continuing on with the letter “H” of our FGH’s of Coping with Christmas Anxiety and Depression.  

Have Fun

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh?  The kind that is a bit uncontrollable, hurts your cheeks, makes you snort and causes tears to roll down your cheeks?  If it has been a while, then you are missing out on a fun antidote for stress!

Play is a vital tool for stress management.  Fun and laughter decrease stress hormones, increase immunity and releases endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemical).  Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a joyful heart is good medicine -- when you engage in fun activities, it changes your body chemistry and can make you feel lighter.

If, however, you are in a season of grief and sorrow, fun and laughter likely seem distant and foreign. That is okay -- honor the season you are in. But if you are able, I encourage you to engage in activities that may allow a bit of fun.  As you gather with friends and family, share stories and fond memories of those you love, impart fun Christmas traditions to the next generation, play games, sing songs, etc.   It could be the medicine that your soul needs.

A time to cry and a time to laugh.  A time to grieve and a time to dance. (Eccl 3:4 NLT)

Tomorrow we will continue our FGHs focusing the Illusion of Control and on Friday we will conclude the series with Journey Together.  To review what we’ve covered so far:

Face Faulty Strategies
Give Gentleness and Grace
Have Fun

Peace to you,

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